Most of the materials housed and showcased on this website—including articles, images, music, logos, and album art—are the intellectual property of Laurence Brown. The redistribution of most materials is strictly prohibited without the consent of Laurence Brown; however, in some cases, certain materials will be publicly marked with the words "Creative Commons Attribution License." This means that such works are available for redistribution without the consent of Laurence Brown, so long as the user adheres to all of the following (where appropriate):
  • Include any copyright notices (if applicable). If the work itself contains any copyright notices placed there by the copyright holder, those notices must be left intact, or reproduced in a way that is reasonable to the medium in which the work is being re-published.
  • Cite the author's name, screen name, or user ID, etc. If the work is being published on the Internet, it is nice to link that name to the person's profile page, if such a page exists.
  • Cite the work's title or name (if applicable), if such a thing exists. If the work is being published on the Internet, it is nice to link the name or title directly to the original work.
  • Cite the specific CC license the work is under. If the work is being published on the Internet, it is nice if the license citation links to the license on the CC website.
  • Mention if the work is a derivative work or adaptation, in addition to the above, one needs to identify that their work is a derivative work, e.g., “This is a Finnish translation of [original work] by [author].” or “Screenplay based on [original work] by [author].”   
Other exceptions to the aforementioned intellectual property disclaimer are listed below. In these cases, this website does not house or redistribute any unauthorized works and only serves to highlight and/or promote these cases through logos and RSS feeds. The following are cases in which Laurence Brown is not the intellectual property owner:
  • Any referenced materials emanating from BBC America are the sole property of the BBC.
  • Any referenced materials emanating from Anglotopia are the sole property of Anglotopia, LLC.
  • Any theatrical posters, banners, or publicity campaigns are the sole property of the organization being publicized. In these cases, such materials are housed and showcased on this website under the fair use intellectual property law.